I built this mock website as part of a LinkedIn/Learning course I took, Dreamweaver CC: Responsive Design with Bootstrap 4 taught by David Powers; some of the content is from that course. The point of taking the course was to learn how to do a carousel for my own webpage. The course interested me enough to do further explorations on my own. I make no pretentions of being a webpage coder; but I left this up for students or anyone learning to use Bootstrap in their own code.

To get the most out of what is, after all the basic point of using Bootstrap, on a desktop, resize your browser window frequently, and also look at it on a tablet and a smartphone.

All pages in this mock website use Bootstrap 4, specifically version 4.3.1, as implemented in Adobe Dreamweaver CC.

This page is an example of the Bootstrap 4 navigation menu.

Other navagation menu choices which are not displayed include fixed to bottom and inverted.

There's also a tab menu and a pill menu.