This is an example of the Bootstrap 4 navigation menu, specifically Pill.

Note that when you resize the window to a smaller size or view it on a smart phone, it doesn't collapse to a hamburger menu. Also, note that this particular example is not fixed to the top of the page when you scroll the page. To do that you have to add fixed-top to your html in the same class where you have placed nav-pills.

To get it to look like pills, you specifically have to set in your own css:

	.nav-pills .nav-link { 
		border-radius: 12.25rem; 
		background-color: var(--mrAltDarkColor);
   		margin-right: 8px;

There's also a tab menu and a Navbar menu.

Note that bootstrap adds an inline style to the opening body tag of : <body style="padding-top: 70px"> whenever you add a fixed menu. That's frequently more than you need.